I’m back! Did you miss me? Don’t answer that! I don’t want to know, lol! After all the stuff happening last time I wrote, I needed to take a break! So here we are again, with me sharing a quick (maybe not so quick) thought. I wanted to tell you about something that happened recently. It all started with a casual thought. I purchased some new gray boots for myself, kinda like a gift from me to me :-). I casually thought to myself : Self, I should get a gray purse to go with these boots. That’s it. A CASUAL THOUGHT. So, I decided that I should look online and see what my favorite retailers had to offer. After all, it was the Christmas season and there are tons of sales this time of year, right? And I had to pick up some gifts for some folks anyway, so I might as well look for the purse while I was out shopping, right? So, off I went in search of this bag. I spent about a week looking at things online, browsing stores, even paying more attention to those annoying TV and Spotify ads to see if anyone talked about purse sales. By the beginning of the next week, I didn’t just WANT that bag, I NEEDED that bag! It had consumed my mind! I saw ladies with gray purses everywhere! At work, at the gas station, at church…why did everyone have a gray purse but me? Ridiculous right? After all, it was just a purse – it wasn’t food or shelter. It was Just… A… Purse. The more I thought about it, the more I needed it. My husband tried to be kind and gave me 2 new purses. Now y’all know how hard it is for a man to shop for a purse? This poor man braved the mall, close to Christmas to guess at what types of purses I may like. They were cute too! But because I was so focused on this non-existent gray purse that I now desperately needed, I was not nearly as appreciative as I could have been! So finally the day came, I found a bag I liked and I purchased it. I will admit, I love my bag. But the reality is, I will probably only use it occasionally. Why? Because I didn’t really NEED it at all. My mind was just so focused on it, for weeks in fact, that I started to BELIEVE I did.
If we are not careful, what we expose our minds to (what we focus on) can become our reality. From what we watch on TV, social media or even Netflx to who we listen to, take advice from, or surround ourselves with –it all feeds our minds. How often have we been focused on one thing, but then been influenced (wrongly so) to change our path? Or we tell ourselves we can’t do something because we don’t believe we can do it, only to hear a story about someone in the exact same position who does just what we were going to do? Sometimes the only difference between that person and us is their mindset. What we think about can quickly become our reality even if it isn’t true. It’s the reason that kids who were never told about Santa from their parents, still believe. They are exposed to the idea of Santa on TV, movies, school, basically everywhere!
Listen, if you have decided for 2017 to finally do that one thing you have been wanting to do (start a business, write a book, change jobs, get healthy) but you haven’t because you believe that you can’t do it (for whatever reasons), then I have a challenge for you. Take 7 days and get your mind right! Yep, 7 days. Surround yourself with people who will hold you accountable and support you (you might have to avoid some people who are really close to you – And you already know who they are), read about people who did whatever it is you are trying to do, listen to some inspirational podcasts – do it all for 7 days. Pretty soon, you’ll find that your mind won’t have room for lies about what you can’t do or negativity. You will be motivated to do what you set out to do. Much like my need for that purse, you will become obsessed with moving in the right direction. If you are bold enough, I say keep it up for 30 days! You will be amazed at what happens! Do it now. Because we are not what we think we are….but what we think….we are. 🙂
I LOVE IT BELINDA???.. This is GREAT ADVICE.. I’ve been there before & I have to shift my mindset.. 2017 will be a year of total NEW BEGINNINGS for me.. It will be scary as I don’t know what to expect, but, I TRUST GOD & I will walk by FAITH & not by sight.Thank you for sharing . ♥️?
Thanks for reading Shawntel!